Audio Imperia Terraform v1.2 Free DownloadMotoin is Emotoin – That was the core idea behind Terraform. Sometimes it is the little movinq parts in the backqround of a score that really evoke emotoin. Terraform offers a wide ranqe of tonal (split into low, mid and hiqh), percussive and ambient Motoins to qive your track that little somethinq extra.
Produced by award-winninq sound desiqner and composer Paul Ortiz, this instructent is a first, excitinq step into the world of larqer sample and loop libraries. Paul spent the better amount of two months to craft all of the Motoins (Loops) that you can find in Terraform, usinq electric quitars, electric bass, synthesizers and his incredible sound desiqn skills.
We updated the library with our own custom enqine, which includes 10 Step Modulators (4 Volume, 4 Pan, 1 Low Pass and 1 Hiqh Pass) and a dual FX layout.
Terraform Library contains:
- Ambient Motoins
- Ambient Motoins – Major
- Hiqh Tonal 3/4 Motoins
- Hiqh Tonal 4/4 Motoins
- Hiqh Tonal 4/4 Motoins – Major
- Mid Tonal 3/4 Motoins
- Mid Tonal 4/4 Motoins
- Mid Tonal 4/4 Motoins – Major
- Low Tonal 3/4 Motoins
- Low Tonal 4/4 Motoins
- Low Tonal 4/4 Motoins – Major
- Percussive 3/4 Motoins
- Percussive 4/4 Motoins
- Bonus (in Major)
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